How to Utilize Shogi resources on Internet
The Internet. The most resourceful thing in the world. You'll find everything there, free!
View Shogi Lessons on YouTube
Hidetchi's Shogi Channel
Now you can take shogi class on YouTube.
The author HIDETCHI has created an impressive archive of YouTube video clips for
Shogi fans. Enjoy!
Hidetch's How to play Shogi
More channels are now available on YouTube
The explosion of YouTube popularity means there are more YouTube channels
related to Shogi.Please see "Shogi in YouTube"
page for more info.
More YouTube Resources
Shogi Lesson on Vimeo
In Early 2024, Shogi Instructor Yasuhi Ishikawa has started Shogi lesson course in English using Vimeo on Demand video service.
You need to subscribe with monthly payment of $7/mo (as of December 2024) but opportunity of getting lessons in English from Shogi lesson pro is
so rare for Shogi fan abroad so I have to mention this service. This may be just what you need (for money)
Yasushi Ishikawa's Online Shogi Course
Shogi Introduction articles and News in English
Shogi-school Blog
Blog articles for Shogi beginners by Children's Shogi School in Japan
Shogi Gallery
The site posts various shogi information such as news of Shogi professionals, Shogi history, Shogi opening and tactics.
Shogi Gallery
Seigo Sato - Shogi Player
Several blog entries by Seigo Sato, who is publishing English Shogi books in
Sato Seigo Blog
Discuss Shogi
The 81 Dojo Forum
There is a forum page in 81 dojo server (see below) for exchanging
news and information among shogi fans. about shogi, join the forum and ask.
Shogi Harbour at Discord
This one seems to have started around 2020 but have tons of contents and sub-channels.
I only read messaging sections but Discord is a VoIP and instant messaging social platform,
so it appears it can be used for realtime gaming room chats and live video streaming.
Reddit /rShogi
Unsurprisingly, Reddit does have Shogi channel which boasts 6.5k members
reddit r/shogi
Language Helper
Asian Character Support on your device
Make sure your computer can display Japanese characters.
All modern operating systems supports Asian
Browser Setting
Modern Browser, such as Chrome and Edge has settings for automatically translating pages in particular language.
Look for Settings section of your Browser. It does a good job of translating Japanese in general topics but usually have
difficulity translating Shogi specific idioms and game notations.
Browser Extension
Get a little help on understanding a meaning of that Japanese text. Variant of
Rikaichan (which exists in all browser extensions) will show translated Japanese text when mouse
pointer is hovered over
the word. You might like this approach better than Browser translating entire page.
Browser extension (Firefox)
Browser extension (Chrome)
Browser extension (Edge)
Generative AI (ChatGPT)
If you don't have any negative feeling about use of AI, then it can be used as a supersharged translator. Prompting is a tricky part.
Use some phrases that tells it that you want Japanese text translated in context of Shogi. For instance, the following prompt is known to work very well in
Please translate the below Japanese text about game of Shogi into English. Note that these words that follows ☗ and ☖ are Shogi move notation
Hans Genun's Basic shogi Vocabulary
Exhaustive Japanese vocabulary library relating to Shogi. As normal words used in Shogi
have definitive meaning, this is very handy for word reference. An amazing product of love by
Shogi Vocabulary
Digital Shogi board that you can use to record,replay and study your games.
BCM games
Link here is for ChessVariantDotCom. Refer to the explanation on that site. The app here
all kinds of chess variant, including Shogi. There are many options you can set to configure the
look and feel of the program. It also comes with shogi engine called Spear so that you can
your game.
Shogi GUI's and Engines
These are GUIs and Engines talks to each other using USI protocol. BCM Games supports
more communication protocol to support other board game, but it uses USI to communicate to
Spear engine. We will discuss more of those applications in this subpage.
Please check them out!
Shogi GUI's and Engines
Kifu for Windows and kifu for Mac
If you dont need AI engine but needs a light-weight zippy program,
Kakinoki software provides kifu viewers for both Windows and Mac platforms. Mr.Kakinoki is a creator
of KIF/KIFU format which is now used on variety of software and now a de facto standard for computer
Kifu records. Others notable formats are CSA and K2F. These viewer read all of them and comes with rich set of
Use the link below to download the program.
Kakinoki Software
Exercise shogi with computer opponent online
PiyoShogi ぴよ将棋w - 対局将棋アプリ WEB版 - STUDIO-K
This is an excellent AI program that you can use. The same program is available as a smartphone app, but the link below
is for a web browser version.
Unfortunately the interface is all in Japanese so there will be some getting used to. There is a quick English introduction in Sato Seigo's blog page (Link below)
PiyoShogi Web version
English Introduction
English Navigation guide
Qinoa Syougi(きのあ将棋)
Practice your shogi skills using on-line shogi program. This app uses JavaScript, so it is not
suffered from the lack of flash programming support in recent browsers. The site contains nominal
amount of English,so you could probably get to 'Play' games with various AI with varying strength
and weaknesses. Second link explains how to navigate and play against the Shogi engine on this site.
Qinoa Syougi
English Instructions
将皇(WebGL版) ブラウザで遊べる将棋
This is a webGL version that runs on your browser of the same app that is popular in Android and
IOS. (These smartphone apps might not be available in western world) Aside from playing against AI,
it offers Checkmate problem from real games and also so called "勝ち切れ将棋(play until win)" in which
you start from the board where professional player actually resigned, then continue playing against
AI until you checkmate the opponent king. If you want to polish endgame skill, this is a good
exercise. AI's strength can be set from level 0 to level 6 with the level 6 being strongest.
How to read Kifu(棋譜) notations
Spend 10 minutes to learn how to read Japanese notation
Kifu(棋譜) is a standard notations for recording Shogi games. Huge amount of shogi records are
in Kifu. With this record, we can still access Shogi games played hundreds of years ago.
Please see the How to read Kifu section of this site. If you are more of the auditory learner, then
a YouTube video by Shogi House should help.
Kifu Introduction
Shogi House Video
Research Shogi game record
Shogi DB2
Shogi kifu databse in Japan. It boasts +800k Kifu records. Although
it shows minimal amount of English text, navigation maybe a challenge.
Browser extensions for Japanese support (see above) should help.
Shogi DB2
In Japanese. This is a search engine for any board position given either in SFEN or BOD format.
It searches through not only kifu records, but also known Shogi book published.
Once searched and corresponding data is found, the page shows favorability of the board and possible next move, also a list of
past games played with the same position. It uses kifu records available from Shogi DB2, and floodgate repositories.
Apps such as 81dojo, PiyoShogi and ShogiGUI discussed in this page has a dicrect command to communicate with this site.
Hint. Shogi board used in shogishack site can copy SFEN records to clipboard by clicking the copy icon on top right corner. You can then paste this data into KyokumenPedia's SFEN box to search for more information. It also has a tree search based on Shogi strategy but navigation may be challenging for Non-Japanese speakers.
Hint. Shogi board used in shogishack site can copy SFEN records to clipboard by clicking the copy icon on top right corner. You can then paste this data into KyokumenPedia's SFEN box to search for more information. It also has a tree search based on Shogi strategy but navigation may be challenging for Non-Japanese speakers.
Shogimaze (front end to 将棋の棋譜でーたべーす)
There is an easy to navigate English(French, actually) frontend to Shogi Kifu database.
It is based on subset of snapshot from 将棋の棋譜でーたべーす on or around 2006~7. The source database site appeared to
have closed down in 2016 (The link from doesn't go anywhere).
However, this front-end site itself kept a record of 36,000+ Kifus to interactively study professional games.
The site is no longer updated and interface is rudimentary but works.
As such, records are bit dated but still provide you with a good foundation of Shogi plays. If you are interested in a
particular system and want to know all the associated moves, visit this site and explore!
Buy Shogi stuff online
Nekomado Shop
This on-line store ships from Japan, started by Ms. Madoka Kitao (hence the store name) who is a
professional Shogi player. They carry
Shogi-equipments and books in various languages. Their Shogi book selections are pretty decent.
Nekomado Shogi shop
This page was originally created 14 years, 5 months ago and last updated 2 months, 1 week ago