Legal Stuff

Materials available on this site is free for distribution. However, I do use material from other sources and these materials maybe under various licensing terms and restrictions. therefore, please observe the following

Kifu for JavaScript (Free version) is copyrighted by 柿木義一. Mr. Kakinoki allows use of the software and its graphics outputs without any restrictions.

Some pages uses graphics generated from BCM SHOGI by Bernhard Maerz. This is unrestricted freeware.

More recent shogi boards uses shogi pieces and board graphics, "CC Resources for Shogi Applications" by "koma shokunin 1" from Bonanza project under creative common license. See below

Elsewhere, animated shogi board using either BCM shogi outputs or above licensed shogi piece graphics is my own JavaScript concoction. you are free to reverse engineer (or google github with a2life as user name for source code)

source data

For Tsumeshogi, I will be following Tsumeshogi association guideline (identify source and author name if known)

For Professional game record, I am under the opinion that there is no copyright exists for game record (as in Chess). However, Japan Shogi federation has recently published "Guideline" for use of game record.

The idea is to protect their revenue coming from Newspaper publishing of games being played.  For non-commercial use, (This site does not generate any money) The ristriction is not to list game score up to 12 months after the game date.  If I am referencing a game, I should include no more than 3 board diagram and list no more than 10 moves in the article.    I think this 'guideline' is prompted by some youtuber immediately streaming the game with commentary, which is clearly a threat to established newspaper franchises.  

For the purpose of this site, We will not be using new game scores anyway.  So observing this 'guideline' shouldl be no problem.

If you need to access new game records as soon as they are played,  JSF has a subscription service (less than $5/month It is a reasonable price to support your favorite game)  Go to google and look for Shogi renmei subscription.

This page was originally created 12 years, 2 months ago and last updated 1 year, 4 months ago