About this site

This site is about getting better on Shogi play. I see so many people, who started playing in Kurnik (Now PlayOK), just start playing without any knowledge of various openings or basic techniques for game closings. Knowledge of Chess helps, but due to unique nature of Shogi, there are basic techniques that you should know. This will dramatically improve your chance of playing better games. So look around and learn how to play this fantastic board game in more enjoyable way.

I am a Japanese native living in the United States for more than half of my life. When I lived in Japan, (that was a long time ago indeed) playing Shogi was one of my hobby.

I haven't played it for a long time until I discovered PlayOK boardgame site. When I saw some people didn't seem to have a clue as how to play this game, I decided to start this site

I hold a bachelor's degree in Electrical engineering and worked as an engineering manager for a fairly large size organization located in mid-east USA. I am now retired.

I have many hobbies. My current interests include the following

  • Playing Shogi (of course!)
  • learning Web page creation
    • CSS Styling
    • Javascript/TypeScript
    • PHP scripting
    • Web Site creation using ModX
    • Web page editing using MS-office SharePoint Service
  • Programming with Delphi/Turbo Pascal (Now lazarus/free Pascal). Finally moved into C#. despite C connotation, this language feels very much Pascal
  • Tinkering with electronics (Arduino , Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone etc.,)
  • Cycling
  • Walking

So running this site serves two purposes for me. One is to provide some guide to Shogi beginners and Two is to satisfy my desire to work on web site and test out new programming ideas.

The latter has a side effect of the site sometimes go haywire. Please bear with me.

This page was originally created 14 years, 4 months ago and last updated 1 year, 7 months ago