Shogi pieces placement order

There are two traditional ways on how to place shogi pieces. That is, depending on which school, piece placement order is different.

Truth be told, as long as the resulting board set up is the same, the order in which you place the piece is totally up to you.

However, There are two ways of placing pieces as tradition and Shogi professionals usually follow one of these order.

  • Ohashi Style(大橋流)
  • Itou Style(伊藤流)
It appears majority of players follow Ohashi Style

This board demonstrates Ohashi style(大橋流) piece placement order

The Ohashi style is a simple way to arrange pieces, with the pieces spreading out alternately from left to right.

This is the orthodox way of arranging pieces, used by approximately 80% of shogi players.

This board demonstrates Itou style(伊藤流) piece placement order

The Ito style also arranges the pieces in the same way as the Ohashi style, from the King to the Knight, but then arranges the pawns from the left.

It is said that this style is designed to ensure that the rook, bishop, and lance do not immediately threat the enemy's camp.

This page was originally created 6 months, 1 week ago and last updated 6 months, 2 weeks ago