When you first open PiyoShogi page, the setting dialog should be displayed as a modal window, like this.
If English version of dialog exists (which doesn't), then it should look something like this .
When this is the first time you open this game page, it starts with the lowest level of strength (Lv1), which, according to it's description, has a strength of 15 kyu. This is perfect for beginner player to start. You can just hit "対局開始(Start Game)" to play your first game.
When you start playing, there will be times that your piece can be promoted. In this case, PiyoShogi will pop up the dialog window like this.
English equivalent of this dialog is like below
Ensure that you push the correct button!
Buttons around Shogi board is a usual suit. Note that there is a take back button. You can undo your mistake.
You tap a piece to moeve ten tap a position to move to. It also shows Book moves for this particular positions.
The game will end when
1. You checkmate the AI
2. Ai Checkmates you
3. You resign
At the end of the game, End of the game dialog will be displayed, like this.
Hopefully this is what you will see.
Then after clicking OK, Your rating summary will be shown.
In this Web version of the app, the rating will be stored in a browser cookie. In another word, if you clear the cookie, the rating record willbe lost.
The information above should be enough to get you started. The following is some more detail of this app. (They also provides iOS and Android App. Search ぴよ将棋 (yes, in Japanese, even if your store is not pointing to Japan) Interface should be very similar to Web version)
Bottom potion of Piyo Shogi board in more detail.
We already discussed top row of buttons except for Check Tsumi button. This button will check if current position has a Checkmate solution. We also discussed the comment window where Book opeinings are displayed. Below that, there is a New game button, Resume game button and Kifu download and Tweet button as well as Kifu Link. Real Tsume Shogi button will redirect you to a list of Tsumeshogi taken from real games.
When you click on 'Humberger' menu button, you will see this.
When you click on "Trophy", you will be greeted with your game record.
This should give you a motivation to keep going.
You click on Gear Icon button, then variety of settings can be changed. I think the one you might want to change is a sound of play. Default is chick chirping. You can change it to more traditional wood striking sound.
You might also want to change Shogi piece design to use. There are 6 variations to chose from.
Let's look at the new game dialog again. There are several points to note.
1. If you chose human vs human and you are using tablet, then you will have an instant Shogi board to play with your friend (or your girl/boy friend)
2. You can adjust computer AI level from level 1 (comparable 15kyu) to Level 30 (Comparable to Amatuare 3Dan + level)
You can specify which castle computer should use. the selection of the castle formation that will be shown in drop down list is listed below.
指定なし | Unspecified |
居飛車 | Sitting Rook |
振り飛車 | Ranging Rook |
矢倉 | Yagura |
美濃囲い | Mino Castle |
穴熊 | Anaguma |
船囲い | Boat Castle |
居飛車穴熊 | Sitting Rook + Anaguma |
左美濃 | Left side Mino |
If you like, you can also play in variety of Handicap game.
平手 | No Handicap |
香落ち | Lance Dropped |
右香落ち | Right Lanced Dropped |
角落ち | Bishop Dropped |
飛車落ち | Rook Dropped |
飛香落ち | Rook and Lance Dropped |
二枚落ち | Two piece Dropped |
四枚落ち | Four piece Dropped |
六枚落ち | Six piece Dropped |
八枚落ち | Eight piece Dropped |
十枚落ち | Ten piece Dropped |
九枚落ち | Nine piece Dropped |
ハ枚落ち(トンボ) | Eight piece Dropped (DragonFly) |
【入門向け】王vs飛角 Lv1 | Novice King vs Rook+Bishop Level 1 |
【入門向け】王vs飛角 Lv2 | Novice King vs Rook+Bishop Level 2 |
【入門向け】王vs飛角 Lv3 | Novice King vs Rook+Bishop Level 3 |
【入門向け】王vs飛角 Lv4 | Novice King vs Rook+Bishop Level 4 |
青空将棋 | Blue Sky Shogi |
Time settings options are as follows.
指定なし | Unlimited |
5分 切れたら20秒 | 5 minutes + 20 seconds |
10分 切れたら30秒 | 10 minutes + 30 seconds |
15分 切れたら60秒 | 15 minutes + 60 seconds |
30分 切れたら60秒 | 30 minutes + 50 seconds |
1手10秒 | 10 seconds for each move |
1手30秒 | 30 seconds for each move |
1手60秒 | 60 seconds for each move |
2分持ち | 2 minutes |
3分持ち | 3 minutes |
5分持ち | 5 minutes |
10分持ち | 10 minutes |
5分 1手毎5秒加算 | 5 minutes, 5 seconds added after each move |
10分 1手毎10秒加算 | 10 minutes, 10 seconds added after each move |
This page was originally created 1 year, 7 months ago and last updated 1 year, 7 months ago