Openings(定跡=Jouseki) Study
Primitive Climbing Silver (原始棒銀) -Simple yet deadly
Simple, yet deadly. This is the first opening you should learn. This opening shows you how a silver can be used along with Rook for attacking your opponent.

Yagura S-3g 矢倉3七銀戦法) Main stay of Shogi Strategies
Yagura is main stay of Shogi Strategies. This board shows some fundamental Yagura moves.

Climbing Silver against Yagura (矢倉速攻棒銀)
This is climbing Silver attack against Yagura (矢倉速攻棒銀) -be prepared for this quick attack

Naka-Bisya with bishop path open
I am not sure exactly what this is called.. Gokigen Nakabisya (ゴキゲン 中飛車 = good mood center file rook)、 Wanpaku Nakabisya(ワンパク中飛車=impish center rook ) or Kaku koukan nakabisya (角交換中飛車= Center file rook with Bishop exchanged) Whatever this is called, it is easy to remember, and this strategy has very powerful offence.

Aggressive Opposing Rook (Mukai-bisya with Bishop path open = 角換わり向かい飛車)
Opposing Rook with Bishop path open.

This page was originally created 14 years, 3 months ago and last updated 6 months, 3 weeks ago